What time do ducks wake up? – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: What time do ducks wake up?

Answer: At the quack of dawn

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

This riddle is a play on words combining the sound that ducks make and a common phrase.

Ducks are known for making a "quack" sound.

The phrase "crack of dawn" is a common way to say very early in the morning, when the sun first appears.

By replacing "crack" with "quack," the riddle uses the sound ducks make to create a pun.

So, the answer "at the quack of dawn" humorously suggests that ducks wake up very early in the morning, at the first light of day, while also playing on the word "quack."

This makes the riddle both funny and clever by using familiar elements in a playful way.