What runs around the yard without moving? – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: What runs around the yard without moving?

Answer: A fence

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

A fence is an object that surrounds a yard to mark the boundary or to keep animals and people either in or out.

The riddle might seem tricky at first because when we think of something running, we usually imagine it moving from one place to another.

However, a fence does not move. It stays in one place.

What the riddle is doing is playing with the word "runs." In this context, "runs" refers to the fence enclosing or going around the perimeter of the yard.

So, even though the fence does not physically move or run like a person or animal, it "runs" around the yard in the sense that it extends all the way around it.

This clever use of language makes the riddle a fun and interesting way to think about words and their meanings.