What has 4 eyes but can’t see? – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: What has 4 eyes but can't see?

Answer: Mississippi

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

Mississippi is the name of a state in the United States.

The word "Mississippi" has four letters "i" in its spelling.

In English, the letter "i" is often pronounced like the word "eye."

However, despite having "4 eyes" (four "i"s), the word itself, or the state it represents, cannot see because it is not a living being.

This riddle plays with the homophones "i" and "eye," where "eye" refers to the organ of vision, and "i" is just a letter in the alphabet.

Thus, the answer to the riddle is clever because it uses the appearance of the word and a play on words to arrive at a humorous and unexpected conclusion.