What goes around the world and stays in a corner? – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: What goes around the world and stays in a corner?

Answer: A postage stamp

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

A postage stamp is a small piece of paper that you put on a letter or package before mailing it.

This riddle might seem puzzling at first because how can something travel the world yet remain in a corner?

The answer lies in the unique role of a postage stamp.

Despite being stuck in one corner of an envelope, a stamp enables the envelope to travel from one corner of the world to another.

The "corner" mentioned in the riddle refers to the physical position of the stamp on the mail, not a geographical location.

So, while the stamp itself does not move from its spot, it is instrumental in sending mail across the globe.

This clever use of words demonstrates the stamp's importance and the humorous contradiction between its static position and the distances it can "travel."