What does a house wear? – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: What does a house wear to a party?

Answer: Ad-dress

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

The answer to this riddle is a pun, which is a form of wordplay that uses words that have multiple meanings or sound similar but have different meanings.

In this case, the word "address" can mean two things.

Firstly, an address is a series of numbers and letters that tell you where someone lives.

Secondly, a "dress" is a type of clothing that people, especially women, might wear to a party.

By combining "ad-" and "dress," the riddle cleverly suggests that what a house "wears" to a party is its address.

This is funny because, of course, a house doesn't go to parties or wear clothes, but it does have an address.

The humor and cleverness come from twisting our expectations and playing with the meanings of words.