What did the triangle say to the circle? – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: What did the triangle say to the circle?

Answer: You're pointless.

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

This riddle is a play on words.

In geometry, a circle is a shape that has a continuous curve with no corners or points.

A triangle, on the other hand, is made up of three points and three straight sides.

When the triangle says to the circle, "You're pointless," it's making a joke.

The word "pointless" usually means something is without a purpose or use.

But in this context, it's being used literally to say that the circle does not have any points, unlike the triangle.

So, the humor comes from the double meaning of "pointless" – no purpose and no points.

This clever use of words based on the shapes' characteristics is what makes the riddle amusing and interesting.