I have two arms one leg and a head but no eyes – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: I have two arms, one leg, and a head but no eyes. What am I?

Answer: A shirt

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

The answer to this riddle is a shirt.

Let's break down the riddle to understand why.

A shirt is a piece of clothing that typically has two sleeves, which can be seen as the "two arms" mentioned in the riddle.

The "one leg" in the riddle is a bit trickier, but it refers to the body of the shirt or the part that goes down your torso.

This part of the shirt can be likened to a leg because it's a single, long piece that covers the body.

The "head" in the riddle is the opening at the top of the shirt where your own head goes through.

Shirts do not have eyes, which fits the last part of the riddle.

So, when you think about a shirt in the way the riddle describes, it matches all the characteristics: two arms (sleeves), one leg (body), and a head (opening for the head) but no eyes.

This riddle plays with the way we normally describe body parts and applies them to an everyday object, making it a clever and amusing puzzle to solve.