I am easy to lift but hard to throw – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I?

Answer: A feather

How To Solve It

To solve this riddle, think about objects that are lightweight but would be difficult to throw in a conventional sense. The key aspects to focus on are:

  • Lightweight Nature: The object must be so light that lifting it requires minimal effort. This eliminates anything with substantial weight.

  • Difficulty in Throwing: This part is trickier. Why would something be hard to throw if it's easy to lift? The answer lies in how the object interacts with the air. If it's too light, air resistance will have a significant effect on it, making it difficult to throw effectively.

The solution, a feather, perfectly fits these criteria. It's extremely light, making it easy to pick up. However, because it's so light, when you try to throw it, the air catches and disperses its weight, causing it not to travel far or with any precision. This unique combination of being easy to lift but hard to throw directly leads to the answer: a feather.