Four cars come to a four way stop – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Four cars come to a four way stop

Riddle: Four cars come to a four-way stop, all coming from a different direction. They can't decide who got there first, so they all go forward at the same time. They do not crash into each other, but all four cars go. How is this possible?

Answer: They all made right-hand turns.

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

This riddle might seem tricky at first, but the answer is simple once you understand it.

When cars come to a four-way stop, usually the rule is that the car that arrived first has the right to go first.

However, in this scenario, it's not about who arrived first but about the direction the cars are going.

The key to solving the riddle is realizing that all the cars can move at the same time without crashing if they all turn right.

Turning right at a four-way stop means each car goes into a different road from where it came without crossing paths with the others.

This way, despite all moving at the same time, there's no conflict or crash because their paths do not intersect.

It’s a clever solution that shows sometimes thinking about the direction rather than the timing can solve a problem.

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