Corn on the cob – Riddle Answer + Meaning

Riddle: First you throw away the outside, then you cook the inside, then you eat the outside and then you throw away the inside. What am I?

Answer: Corn on the cob

Riddle Explanation + Meaning

This riddle describes the process of preparing and eating corn on the cob.

First, you remove the green husk and silk, which is the "outside" part you don't eat.

Next, you cook the corn, usually by boiling or grilling it.

After it's cooked, you eat the kernels off the cob.

The kernels are the "outside" part you eat after cooking.

Finally, you throw away the cob, which is the "inside" part left over after you've eaten the kernels.

This process of preparing and consuming corn on the cob fits perfectly with the sequence described in the riddle, making it a clever and accurate description of the experience.